Shop online with zero
environmental impact

How it works
Our goal is to eliminate the pollution caused by online shopping. Every purchase on Ooala is Net Zero, meaning we calculate the environmental impact of the product & purchase and then eliminate 100% of it through carbon offset, reforestation, and ocean cleanups.
Calculating Net-Zero
Each purchase has a different impact on our planet. Our revolutionary environmental impact scoring system automatically calculates the exact impact of each purchase on Ooala.
We look at everything from the product's materials to how and where it is shipped to determine the score, and then give back to the planet to eliminate the environmental impact.

How we give back
Different types of pollution shouldn’t be handled the same way. We give back based on what damage was done. Was there pollution caused by shipping? We plant trees to pull that carbon out of the atmosphere. Lots of plastic in the packaging? We pull 3x that amount from our oceans and recycle it. We believe in offsetting the specific damage done.
Help us create change
We go beyond greenwashing. Every product with the Ooala logo on it uses clean manufacturing, recycled packaging, and green shipping. Our goal is to lower the environmental impact score of every product as close to zero as possible.
When more people shop on Ooala more products become sustainable. One voice alone is nothing, but together we can create change. By purchasing on Ooala you’re adding to the millions of voices demanding environmental responsibility.
Vote with your dollar. Vote with Ooala.

Join the movement.
Shop online with zero environmental impact

How it works
Our goal is to eliminate the pollution caused by online shopping. Every purchase on Ooala is Net Zero, meaning we calculate the environmental impact of the product & purchase and then eliminate 100% of it through carbon offset, reforestation, and ocean cleanups.

Calculating Net-Zero
Each purchase has a different impact on our planet. Our revolutionary environmental impact scoring system automatically calculates the exact impact of each purchase on Ooala.
We look at everything from the product's materials to how and where it is shipped to determine the score, and then give back to the planet to eliminate the environmental impact.

How we give back
Different types of pollution should not be handled the same way. We give back based on what damage was done. Was there pollution caused by shipping? We plant trees to pull that carbon out of the atmosphere. Lots of plastic in the packaging? We pull 3x that amount from our oceans and recycle it. We believe in offsetting the specific damage done.

Help us create change
We go beyond making your purchases Net Zero. Every business selling products on Ooala is required to work with us to lower their environmental impact. This means switching to clean manufacturing, recycled packaging, and green shipping.
When more people shop on Ooala more companies become sustainable. One voice alone is nothing, but together we can force companies to change. By purchasing on Ooala you’re adding to the millions of voices demanding environmental responsibility.
Vote with your dollar. Vote with Ooala.